Red Barn Yoga

Your breath will deepen, your smile emerge, your soul blossom.

All classes have returned to the barn and will remain on Zoom. Students attending in person must be fully vaccinated and wear a mask. Please bring proof of vaccination to class and arrive early.
Email to join our mailing list and stay up to date. We look forward to practicing together!

Just click on the word Zoom below to attend and you’ll go straight to Zoom.


Vinyasa with Deb 9-10am

Yoga for Every Body with Deb 9:15 - 10:15

All Levels Vinyasa with Joanie 9:15 - 10:30

Mindful Flow with Deb 9:15 - 10:15

Free Meditation with Grace 8:45 - 9:00
Peaceful Practice with Grace 9:15 - 10:30

All Levels Morning Flow with Lynn 8:30 - 9:45

Please use this form to pay for online classes if you are new to Red Barn Yoga or we don’t have your up to date credit card info. Thanks.

Thanks for practicing at Red Barn. We hope to see you in person in the barn. Please remember, to keep everyone safe, we are requiring both a VAX card and a mask for all students.

Our Story

“Farm” has always been playing in the background for me. Sometime around 2012, the imaginary barn on the imaginary farm was converted to an imaginary yoga studio. In 2014, my husband Rich and I took the big, gigantic, “Mother, may I?” step and we bought a little, out of practice farm in Lyme. It felt like home immediately, and the vision began to take shape. I saw a peaceful, healing place where people could come for yoga, and also to get their hands in the dirt; a place where the growth of the garden is a metaphor for inner awakening, blossoming of the authentic soul, and flourishing friendships.

Shortly after moving in, I asked my long time yoga teacher and friend, Kate Novack, to come to the farm to see it and give me ideas on creating a yoga space. Rich and I began renovations on the old barn, and I wondered where I would be able to connect with potential students. Within a year, we moved into high gear after an email from Kate, which told me that her main studio was closing, and could Rich and I be ready August 1st? We shouted, “YES!” and marked down another synchronistic moment on our exhilarating farm adventure.

So, it is our honor and joy, to welcome you to Red Barn Yoga. We are so glad you are here. Come over and play at the farm, and see what unexpected doors open for you.